Stress Management

Even minor stress can impact long-term health, study warns

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Stress is one of the biggest problems that professional people need to handle before other problems. Stress will be in different forms. You will encounter stress because of a challenge or any high demanding activity. With stress, you will feel frustrated, angry, nervous, and weaken. However, stress will be affecting you in two different ways. You will be affected positively and negatively at the same time. It will affect you positively the time it will help you to avoid danger or meet a deadline. Besides, it will affect you negatively the time it will result in serious health problems, such as health problems like depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. Also, you might get a cardiovascular disease like heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, and strokes.

Major causes of stress

Major Causes of Stress stock illustration. Illustration of organizational -  152245304

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Stress management strategies


There are four main strategies for managing stress, that are avoided, alter, accept, and adapt.

Avoiding Strategy: Stresses are real and we are real either; there are many things that you can do to avoid a lot of stress. They are not difficult, just plan ahead of time, rearrange your surroundings, and stay focused.  To avoid stress, take control of your surroundings, by leaving early for work or taking longer to avoid the stress of traffic insane, use the less-traveled route. Pack your lunch to avoid the stress of waiting in the line of the restaurant. Also, avoid people who bother you, by putting some distance between you and them and sitting far from them. Learn to say no and draw up your to-do list so that you make sure that you are doing everything which is planned.

Altering Strategy: Having stress does not allow you to give up and stay with it for longer. You may need to breathe and change your situation for the better. While changing the situation, respectfully ask others to change their behavior toward you. For instance, you might be getting stress because of people who are making jokes over you, then telling them to stop might allow you to be fine. Also, communicating your feeling will allow you to release stress. In simple words say, I feel frustrated if you do this or that to me, are their things that we can do to balance things out? Besides, manage time better and state limits in advance to ensure that all things that you are doing are on plan and have to end.

Accepting Strategy: In some cases, you will see that you don't have anything to do on your stress, accept, and go on. While accepting, talk with someone to release stress. You may need to schedule a meeting with your advisor, counselor, and you may feel better after talking it out. Also, forgiving will help you to free yourself from burning more negative energy. Forgiving is not easy, but it is possible. Forgive and go over. Besides, practice some positive self-talk and learn from your mistakes to ensure that you won't get stress again.

Adapting Strategy: Sometimes we face a difficult situation and we get stress thinking that we can't pass through it. This method of adapting will help someone to move through in every possible situation. In adapting, you will only be asked to change your standards and expectations. also, you will need to practice thought-stopping and practice reframing the issue. You will need to look at your situation from a new viewpoint. Create a feeling that you can handle everything and always look at the big picture.

You will choose the strategy based on your situation. Each strategy is best based on the situation, choose carefully and wisely, and live your professional life free from any form of the stress.




Reference List

Mayo Clinic. (February 14, 2020). Stress Management. Retrieved from



  1. Thanks for this crucial information. I prefer the adapting strategy. This is because adapting to the situation is something that can reduce stress.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you very much for your post. Say goodbye to the stress because you know what it takes to manage it. I will encourage you to stay on the page so that you can be able to view all posted information.

  2. thanks for the good post, Bahati. I now have a question: Of the four strategies which one do you recommend most? I just ask to know if one might be more effective than another, or if their depend on situation and individuals rather then strategies themselves.

    1. Hi Silas,
      Thank you for your comment on the post. I always recommend the stress management strategy based on situation. You know that medicines always are good based on the type of sickness that you have. Not all medicines can be applied to one sickness. Evaluate clearly the situation or causal of stress and respond to it carefully and wisely.

  3. Hello Bahati.

    I really thank you for your post. Stress problems has affected many lives of people in these days and knowing how to respond to it is what we need to live healthier mentally. Thanks again

    1. Thanks Regine. I hope you found strategy that works better for you.

  4. Replies
    1. Hello Regine,

      Thanks for such a good content. Indeed, stress is the prime challengeb of living professionally. I learnt most from this post.

  5. Hello Bahati,
    Thank you for this blog. It's true; many people are experiencing stress which mostly affect them negatively. I completely believe that this blog is helpful to many people, including me, to manage their daily stress. I have found all strategies you provided possible to be applicable and I mostly liked "accepting strategy"; it really works for me.

  6. What a wonderful blog. Many people experience stress because they don't know how to manage them, so this blog will help them to overcome those problems that are caused by stress

  7. What amazing to go through this blog! This blog became a very significant medicine to our issues that are mostly brought by not knowing how to manage stresses that we face on our daily basis. Keep giving relevant blogs like this one!


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