Choose which Learning Styles Works Better for You!

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One of the qualities of a professional person is being a long term learner. The professionals to be able to adapt to an uncertain situation, they need to be a long term learner. Long term learning allowed us to understand the world around us more deeply, allows us to enlarge the opportunities and qualities of our life. Many things changed during this period of COVID-19, but long-term learner stayed stable because they copied quickly and adapted to the situation. In this world, everything is different and every one is unique. It is time to evaluate which learning styles work better for you after learning these seven learning styles. 

1. Visual or Spatial Learning Style
2. Aural or Auditory and Musical Learning Style 
3. Verbal or Linguistic Learning Style 
4. Physical or Kinesthetic Learning Style 
5. Logical or Mathematical Learning Style  
6. Social or Interpersonal Learning Style 
7. Solitary or Intrapersonal Learning Style 

1. Visual or Spatial Learning Style 

These will be characteristics to show that you have a visual or spatial learning style. You prefer information that is presented in for pictures, graphs, and maps. Also, people who have this style like to use color to organize information using colors, have a good sense of direction, and a good sense of style. Besides, they are very organized and like to keep things pure and tidy. 

2. Aural or Auditory and Musical Learning Style

These will be characteristics to show that you have an aural or auditory and musical learning style. You are good with sounds. Also, you like music and have a good sense of rhythm. Do you like to do your work while singing, whistling, humming, or producing other types of sound? I guess you find your learning style. Besides, you will need to be able to create some songs to help you remember what you study. 

3. Verbal or Linguistic Learning Style 

These will be characteristics to show that you have a verbal or linguistic learning style. Do you learn well when connecting with written information and spoken words? Do you enjoy reading and usually remember what you read? Are you good at writing and thrive to learn new words? After confirming with yes, you are now a linguistic learner. You have an extensive vocabulary in speaking and writing. Besides, you enjoy reading out loud and tend to talk to yourself in different tasks. Also, you like to participate in discussions at home, at work, and/at school.

4. Physical or Kinesthetic Learning Style 

These will be characteristics to show that you have a physical or kinesthetic learning style. Do you like to learn by doing, hands-on activities rather than listening or watching a demonstration? Do your categories yourself in do-ers? If the answer is yes, you are a kinesthetic learner. You like working on emergency service, like acting or dancing. 

5. Logical or Mathematical Learning Style 

These will be characteristics to show that you have a logical or mathematical learning style. Do you love using your brain for logical and mathematical reasoning? Do you easily recognize patterns? Can you connect meaningless concepts? Do you love to learn by grouping and classifying information? if your answer is yes, you are a mathematical learner. You work well in numbers and good at dealing with complex calculations. 

6. Social or Interpersonal Learning Style 

These will be characteristics to show that you have the interpersonal learning style. Do you find yourself good at networking or creating a new connection? Do you like social or interpersonal learning? Are you good at socializing and communicating with others using both verbal and non-verbal communication? Do people find it easy to come to you seeking support or advice? If yes, you are the interpersonal learner with the ability to empathize with what others are thinking and going through. You can do counseling, teaching, training and coaching, sales, politics, and human resource position effectively. 

7. Solitary or Intrapersonal Learning Style 

These are characteristics to show that you have an intrapersonal learning style. Do you find yourself more private, independent, and introspective? Do you concentrate when focusing on your thoughts and feelings without the distraction of others? If yes, you are an intrapersonal learner. You are a researcher, author, and can work better on confidential positions (Hoerner, 2013). 

Now I think that you are saying that you have multi-learning styles. It is true for some people to get these multiple learning styles. Respond to these questions to confirm the learning style applicable to you. 

1. Based on what you do and how you do it, which style applicable to you?
2. What are some characteristics of the learning style you mentioned? 
3. When did you recognize that you have that learning style?
4. Do you always learn with one learning style? 
5. What do you find to be important in determining your learning style? 


Hoerner, N. (April 09, 2013). The Seven Learning Styles. Retrieved from



  1. I have realized that I am social learner because of always learning better from the group and also having the capacity to empathize with others and provide support!


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