Time Management Hacks and Tips

 Time management is a waste of time. Focus on this instead

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Fear not, I have been struggling with time management challenges. I have developed a lack of self-esteem, failing to complete different projects on time, working on things with no value first, having a poor focus, and getting poor production in academic and home activities. However, after learning some of the tips and hacks to effectively manage well the time, I ended up being able to work on different things and being successful. Time management refers to the ability to use time effectively so as to become productive in things you started working. With time management, you will be able to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, give you free time for personal and professional evaluation, lower your stress, increase your focus, and support you to reach your career success.


Tips and Hacks


Tip/Hack 1: Identify all activities that need to be done on the day

Think of activities that you can do on your day including activities with the deadline, no deadline, job activities, school activities, personal activities, professional activities, and others.

When identifying all activities that need to be done on the day, think of activities that might add value to your personal, professional, social, moral, and cognitive ability. Knowing activities that add value to you is the main element of being able to manage well the time

Tip/Hack 2: Identify how long each activity will take you to be accomplished

The estimated time differs from the actual time. Estimate with the intention that your estimated time is greater than actual time so that you don’t go beyond what you have estimated. Estimating the time goes with knowing clearly the objective that you want to achieve under each activity and identifying how long you could take to achieve it. It can be very hard when estimating time on the thing that you are not planning to achieve anything from it. Besides, it can be difficult when you don’t know clearly what it can take you to achieve those activities. Identify what activities are about, prepare resources to help you in achieving your goal, and plan to achieve it on not later than expected time.

Tip/Hack 3: Prioritize your tasks

You have identified what are your daily activities and how long you will be taking to each activity and even what value each activity will be adding to you. It is time to start doing an activity with high value first. Remember when prioritizing, you will need to start with an activity with a tight deadline and which is very important and you end with an activity which has an adaptable deadline and with less value to you. Ensure that after prioritizing, you have documented your priority so that you don’t forget anything important (McBeth, 2020).

Tip/Hack 4: Use time management apps and tools

It is time to include your priority to google calendar, timer, Asana, Trello so that you effectively track your progress and time effectively. It can be useless after prioritizing your tasks and you don’t take enough to monitor your activities and progress. It can be like a full tanked car with no driver. The driver of your time and activities. Don’t wait for external inspiration and motivation to start working, but find motivation within you to work on your priority. When using your time management tools and apps, remember to include some breaks, mute some distractions, and delegate some activities to people who might support you in achieving your tasks.

Tip/Hack 5: Start working Now

Don’t wait for tomorrow to start working on things that you have planned to work on today. Respect your time limit and your reminders, learn to say no, create an effective working environment, practice removing bad habits, seek support wherever possible, organize your desk, task list, and inbox. You can make it when started and it will be possible when it is done. Your failures come from delaying your tasks. Welcome success in all of your remaining life with your best time management tips and hacks (The University of Georgia, 2020).


Evaluation of success

Compare your achievement before and after applying all of those tips

 Identify some challenging tips and rehearsal on them

Stick with tips that worked better for you

Challenge your limits

 Avoid giving up


Time management skills should be learned and practiced to increase personal and professional success. People don’t have time to give excuses and excuses are no longer valued. Plan to work and work on your plan because planning to work only will never change and increase your production. It started slow but start now. Learning is the continuous and long-term process that might not end here, learn it slowly till you have mastered it. Recommend these tips to your colleagues and friends to ensure that they achieve their future goals. Professional life requires a person to master time management. Live your professional life with time management skills (Dierdorff, 2020).


Reference List

Dierdorff, E, C. (January 29, 2020). Time Management is About More Than Life Hacks. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2020/01/time-management-is-about-more-than-life-hacks

McBeth, K. (June 26, 2020). 25 Time Management Tips for Work. Retrieved from https://quickbooks.intuit.com/r/employee-management/time-management-tips/

The University of Georgia. (2020). Time Management: 10 Strategies for Better Time Management. Retrieved from https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=C1042&title=Time%20Management:%2010%20Strategies%20for%20Better%20Time%20Management



  1. Hello Bahati, that is useful, do you use it? I found some interesting tips, but some of these I already use. Keep the great work up brother

  2. Thank you for the article Bahati and Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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