
Showing posts from August, 2020

Choose which Learning Styles Works Better for You!

Image source   One of the qualities of a professional person is being a long term learner. The professionals to be able to adapt to an uncertain situation, they need to be a long term learner. Long term learning allowed us to understand the world around us more deeply, allows us to enlarge the opportunities and qualities of our life. Many things changed during this period of COVID-19, but long-term learner stayed stable because they copied quickly and adapted to the situation. In this world, everything is different and every one is unique. It is time to evaluate which learning styles work better for you after learning these seven learning styles.  1. Visual or Spatial Learning Style 2. Aural or Auditory and Musical Learning Style  3. Verbal or Linguistic Learning Style  4. Physical or Kinesthetic Learning Style  5. Logical or Mathematical Learning Style   6. Social or Interpersonal Learning Style  7. Solitary or Intrapersonal Learning Style  1. Visual or Spatial Learning Style  These w

5 Strategies for Work and Life Balance

Image source It started, don't worry. after going through this information, you are going to be able to balance both work and life so that you won't worry about unproductivity in life situations and in the work situations. with work and life balance strategies, you will be able to manage friendship, health, family, and career. Life and work go hand in hand and failing to manage or balance both results into unproductivity in one way or another. Living professional life always goes with your capability to balance your work and life situations. How would you ensure that you are getting productivity in life and at work at the same time? Follow the following strategies to help you maintain and create balance for your life and work. Top 5 strategies for Work and Life Balance 1. Plan for both work and life activities in your daily priority 2. Seek for training to increase work capabilities 3. Do some physical exercises and meditation for body fitness 4. Talk to friends and f

Time Management Hacks and Tips

  Image source   Fear not, I have been struggling with time management challenges. I have developed a lack of self-esteem, failing to complete different projects on time, working on things with no value first, having a poor focus, and getting poor production in academic and home activities. However, after learning some of the tips and hacks to effectively manage well the time, I ended up being able to work on different things and being successful. Time management refers to the ability to use time effectively so as to become productive in things you started working. With time management, you will be able to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, give you free time for personal and professional evaluation, lower your stress, increase your focus, and support you to reach your career success.   Tips and Hacks   Tip/Hack 1: Identify all activities that need to be done on the day Think of activities that you can do on your day including activities with the deadline, no deadline, job ac

Stress Management

Image source Stress is one of the biggest problems that professional people need to handle before other problems. Stress will be in different forms. You will encounter stress because of a challenge or any high demanding activity. With stress, you will feel frustrated, angry, nervous, and weaken. However, stress will be affecting you in two different ways. You will be affected positively and negatively at the same time. It will affect you positively the time it will help you to avoid danger or meet a deadline. Besides, it will affect you negatively the time it will result in serious health problems, such as health problems like depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. Also, you might get a cardiovascular disease like heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, and strokes. Major causes of stress Image source Stress management strategies   There are four main strategies for managing stress, that are avoided, alter, accept, and adapt. Avoiding S