

Bahati Musuhuke

Teaching Assistant in Methods of Thinking for the Business at Kepler Kigali

KG 11 Ave, Kigali

Founded: September 2013

Year of Graduation: 2021

Email/Tel: / +250780471338

Bahati Musuhuke has been working as a volunteer on the position of Teaching Assistant in Methods of Thinking of the business in Kepler Kigali. In his position as a Teaching Assistant in MOTB, he helped students to achieve the highest academic performance and helped the school to win a positive reputation. He managed to support students before the lockdown and during lockdown where he worked with Kepler staff to develop some platform that might help students to work online on their academics. The volunteering takes a period of one year and he won a certificate of recognition.

Bahati Musuhuke is an intern in GEM through Community Initiative Challenge. In this challenge, he worked with his time to develop a strong project proposal that aims at supporting refugees to bounce back from the effect of COVID-19. Also, he developed some professional skills during different workshops, enrichments, and time of working on internship deliverables.

Bahati Musuhuke is an Intern in GEM through the HEaRT Challenge. In this challenge, he worked with his group to develop some solutions to the problem that companies have been facing. He developed some leadership skills and team management skills. Also, after this internship, he won a certificate of recognition.

Bahati Musuhuke is an undergraduate of SNHU through the Kepler program where he is concentrating on Logistics and Operations. He is taking his Bachelors of Degree in 2021.



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